Baddest Burn

Battle of the Burns

June 1st Burn Boot Camp, 4701 Atlantic Ave, North Raleigh

What is it?

Battle of the Burns will consist of teams of 5 people representing their respective burn location that will compete against burn teams from other locations around the Raleigh area for the honor of being called the Baddest Burn of them all.

Each team will compete in a series of 10 exercises (2 minutes at each station, as many reps as possible) to collect a total rep count that will be tallied into a total score for bragging rights, prizes and the ability to call their Burn the best of them all!

 How it works: There will be 10 stations around the floating floor, teams will be able to divid up their exersices based on ability, strenghts and potential injuries. One team member must be working at all times as only one team member’s reps will count at a time. Division of stations, rotation of team members is entirely up to you! Reps will be counted by a team counter that will follow your team through the competition. If a station has a set weight, med ball or box height etc there will be NO pentaly to “mod downs.” This event is designed to be as inclusive as possible and all ages and abilities are encouraged to join! If competitors wish to challenge themselves they have to option to mod up in weight for an “extra rep bonus” (ex: 5 bonus reps per weight increase increment per person per station- so there will be an option for 5 to 25 bonus reps depending on your teams ability and desire to mod up!).

 Teams will be ranked based on their “flat scores” which will be rep based. There will be prizes for the top three teams and an overall team champion will bring home the grand prize as well as a year of bragging rights and Burn location pride!

My FAVORITE part of this competition is that in addition to ranking teams based on their flat scores, teams will be able to help spread awareness for the Doug Flutie Jr Foundation for Autism AND improve their overall score in the process! Each team will be able to receive rep “dontations” from friends, family and fellow burn besties. $1=1 rep (ex: a $25 donation will result in 25 bonus reps being added to your team total!) This helps with community envolvment, support and most importanly helping families effected by Autism. There will be a prize for the top teams based on their flat rep count PLUS donated reps.

Rep donations can be made using the Berlin Marathon Official Charity website, using the paypal link or through Venmo account @Lyndsay-Cone. When sharing donation information, please ask your supporters to mention your team name in the comments to make sure you get credit for the donation! 



1-1/2 burpee hurdle hop-over (base height: women-lowest hurdle height, men- middle hurdle height)

2- Gun slingers (base weight: women- 12lbs, men- 20lbs)

3- Tarantulas

4- Kettle Bell Swings (base weight: women- yellow, men- green)

5- Medball Floor Sprints (base weight: women- 15lbs, men 25 lbs)

6- Medball Should Press (2:1) – (base weight: women 15 lbs, men- 25lbs)

7- Banded Irish Pick-ups (Base: women- blue, men-black)

8- Weighted sit up to over head press ( base weight: women 12lbs, men 20lbs)

9- Slider Mountain Climbers (2:1)

10- Bosu Donkey Kick to overhead press



Get Involved

Teams of five can sign up using the PayPal option. The cost is $100/team. Once the PayPal order is complete I will reach out via email to complete your registration.

If you do not want to compete  but still want to support the charity- a flat donation can be made using the link below. Please include your gym location or favorite participating team in your donation notes as there will be a prize for the team that raises the most money for The Doug Flutie Jr Foundation


Battle of the Burns


June 1, starting at 8 a.m.

Burn Boot Camp- North Raleigh location
4701 Atlantic Ave
Raleigh, NC









My name is Lyndsay Cone and I am a long time member of the Burn Cary gym. I am also a wife and mother to three children. My youngest son, Benjamin was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder at age 2. He was nonverbal and self-injurious and we were told he may never be able to speak or attend school like his twin sister.

We reached out to the community to find the help our sweet son so desperately needed. He was enrolled in developmental therapy, speech therapy and occupational therapy; my husband and I had to relearn everything we knew about raising children to help communicate with and guide our son. It was scary, frustrating and at times felt hopeless. But little by little the light started to shine through.


Because of Autism support services, Ben learned how to communicate and interact with the world. After a few rough years he is now the happiest, most loving, silly and talkative third grader in the world. The way he views the world has brought such a light and peaceful joy into our lives. I never imagined we would be here all those years ago so I am running the Berlin Marathon for the Doug Flutie Jr Foundation in my son’s name to honor how far we have come in our journey and to advocate for other children like him and raise funds so every family can have access to the services that changed our son’s life.

Battle of the Burns


6 + 14 =